Spinach and parmesan polenta cakes

Galettes de polenta aux épinards et parmesan
Preparation time
20 min
Cooking time
10 min

Some history

Polenta: Made with cornmeal, polenta originated in Italy and Provence. Once used as a type of bread in Italy, it can be prepared in various ways: soft slabs baked in the oven; made crispy by sautéing, (deep) frying or grilling as a gratin; or creamy with added milk and/or cream.


  • 200g baby spinach leaves 
  • 30cl milk
  • 30cl water
  • 200g polenta
  • 2 egg yolks
  • 100g grated parmesan
  • 2 tbs oil (rapeseed or sunflower)
  • Sea salt flakes and freshly-ground pepper


Chop the spinach and sweat with a little butter. 
Bring the water and milk to the boil in a saucepan. Add the polenta gradually, stirring constantly to prevent lumps. Reduce to a low heat and keep stirring for a few minutes until the polenta thickens. 
Add the chopped spinach, egg yolks and grated parmesan. Season with salt and pepper, mix thoroughly, then pour the mixture into a large dish lined with greaseproof paper. Leave to rest for 15 minutes.
Cut out polenta discs about 4 cm wide. Coat both sides with raw polenta (to make the cakes even crispier).
Heat the oil in a frying pan and sauté the cakes on both sides until golden brown.
Serve immediately!



Thanks : 

Recipe made by Sandrine Saadi (Fraise&Basilic).

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