Beaufort Croque Monsieur recipe

Origin : Alpes du Nord
Croque-monsieur Beaufort
Preparation time
10 min
Cooking time
4 min

Some history

Where did the croque-monsieur come from?
Although some claim that it has aboriginal origins, the croque-monsieur appeared in its current form on the menu of a Parisian cafĂ© in 1910. As for the origin of its name, it is and will remain rather indeterminate! Perhaps it evokes a crunchy side that makes the man crunch and crack! 


  • 8 slices white bread
  • 30g butter
  • 4 slices ham
  • 150g Beaufort cheese
  • Olive oil


Take slices from a white loaf and flatten them with a rolling pin.

Spread with a thin layer of butter.

Sprinkle over with grated Beaufort cheese.

Top with a thin slice of ham.

Close with another slice of bread and press down firmly.

Leave to chill then cut to the size you want.

Fry the sandwiches in a small quantity of olive oil on a low heat in a non-stick pan.



Thanks : 

Recipe made by Mickey Bourdillat, master chef of Le Matafan from Chamonix.

Wine suggestion

Arbin Mondeuse
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